RaisingQueen is an Upstart Production Company that functions as an internet Network much like NBC, FOX, and CBS.

Our Influencers aim to create content targeted at young ladies of all ages, and promotes under supported small businesses, local artists, and respectable corporations with a focus on advertising and promotion through all social media platforms.

In addition, and most importantly RaisingQueen is charged with enlightening and effecting change in the lives of young minority women through books, film, television, radio, and the internet.

This platform is another giant step towards a four-year journey building our portfolio in production. And unifying our supporters to create financial freedom through creativity and ingenuity for not only our family of athletes but for our community.

Our crowd sourcing goals for the 2020-2021 calendar year is $10,000.00. And we are asking the members of our community to get behind us not only financially but socially. Look for, like, and engage with all RaisingQueen highlighted companies on all active social media platforms.

As the project matures and progresses, we need our financial backers to engage and support our young influencer with life, energy, patience, and confidence to grow something from a seed to a full fledged conglomerate.

Any dollar amount you are able to donate today will be used towards the advancement of this Project.

Our intentions after the end of this 4-year push project is to return the donations and thank our supporters for helping us reach our goal of creating a production company that has earned the resources to compete on a world stage.

Imagine the possibilities…

A Movement

Advertise your business on the Raising Queen network?

    We are building the first digital collective for athletes on The Other Side Of The Game!

    How much more successful would your small business in your area be if you had the same advertising POWER as McDonald’s or Coca-Cola.

    Local Businesses and services in the Atlanta Metro area are using our influencers to advertise not only their business but using the small business to advertise our influencers page as well as the RaisingQueen brand for our member/influencers.